Two Top Priorities in Life !

Profession & Marriage

Workout the top priority in Life

Two Top Priorities Every Young Boy or Girl Must Consider! Priorities change with time and age. At a growing stage, say at an age of 17 years, every one should start setting a  line of direction for oneself i.e. in case of a student, pursuing studies specific to one’s own interest; in other case, someone should choose a field of skill of his/ her own interest.

In short, profession or selection of a particular field should be the top most priority at a growing stage.

After achieving the same with sheer hard work, then comes the choosing of a life partner i.e. your marriage. It is even more important than your profession. As such, one day you’ll be retiring from your job or handover your business to your next generation; but life partner  stays with you till your last moment in this world. To sum up, choosing a right profession and a life partner should be the top most priorities for success and happiness in life.

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